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Dealing With Depression

Depression is not just feeling sad sometimes. It is a mental disease that affects a lot of people of all different ages. In general, it affects more women than men but millions around the globe are battling depression each year. It is treatable though and it is important to find and use a depression therapist in Wall NJ or where you are as part of that treatment. More than 80% of people with depression who go to see a therapist and follow the right treatment approach do recover and lead a better life as a result.

Dealing with depression

As long as you listen to your mental health therapist in Wall NJ or where you go, and follow their treatment plan, you can learn to manage and even successfully treat, depression. Some of the more common symptoms of depression include;

Negative thinking that is getting worse Anger, irritation or sadness without any real reason for them Feeling tired and lacking any energy Feeling hopeless and worthless Eating a poor diet and as a result, having a decrease or increase in weight Feeling suicidal No longer having much interest in social activities you once enjoyed and becoming withdrawn Having difficulty sleeping, not being able to get to sleep or waking up early for example No interest in doing things that are fun Having physical symptoms such as stomach aches and headaches

A person is diagnosed as being depressed if they have five or more symptoms of depression that last for longer than two weeks.

Psychotherapy and medication

The two most common approaches to treating depression are psychotherapy and medication. The first is what you need a depression therapist in Wall NJ for. It can involve more than just talking, for example, interpersonal therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy are popular methods used to treat depression. A therapist helps you get to the cause of your depression and help diminish it and enable patients to see positive things once more.

It is sad fact that a lot of people feel like they have to hide depression and that having to see a therapist is something to be ashamed of. Just as you should not be ashamed to see a cancer specialist and get treatment when you have cancer, so should you have the same view of seeing a therapist. There is a combination of drugs a person might take to treat depression, with the most commonly used being SSRIs and MAOIs. You might use medication while you see a therapist until you are able to come off of it

Other treatment options

There are other treatment options or coping methods you might try alongside finding a mental health therapist in Wall NJ. ECT, Electroconvulsive therapy is successful for some people. Things a person can use at home include deep breathing or meditation for relaxation, getting regular fresh air, daily exercise for an hour also helps and forcing yourself to stay active in social engagements.